The test of a preacher is that his congregation goes away saying not What a lovely sermon but I will do something!

Some Similar Quotes
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  2. Then said a teacher , speak to us of teaching . And he said :The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple among his followers gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness. The astronomer may spaeak to... - Kahlil Gibran

  3. Theology without proclamation is empty, proclamation without theology is blind. - Gerhard Ebeling

  4. Whenever a day comes when I can stand and preach God's Word without an agony of anxiety lest the people will not accept Christ; whenever a day comes when I can see men and women coming down the aisles without joy in my heart, I'll... - Billy Sunday

  5. The Christian ministry is the worst of all trades but the best of all professions. - John Newton

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